Stepping on the rainy street

Monday, March 31, 2008


tôi ₫ứng ở giữa con đường xa lộ

và chớp mắt,

nhanh lắm, có phải không?

sợ gì nào, ₫ã quá quen.

sợ gì nào, những cái quen lạ lẫm.

không chạy nữa nhé

vì chân ₫ã mỏi hay những ₫iều níu kéo?

tôi lại lần nữa không biết.

chớp mắt,

nơi nụ cười và những bờ vai thật.

gọi ₫iều ấm áp,

thật nhẹ...



những ngày mưa:
trong vắt,

trong mắt em
gửi anh:một tiếng gõ cửa,
xao lòng...


rain fills the days,
purely transparent
like quiet and pastel.

and my eyes,
just send to yours
"knock, knock"

(somebody come?)


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

norwegian wood

"Do you think you weren't loved enough?"
She tilted her head and looked at me. Then she gave a sharp, little nod.
"Somewhere between "not enough' and "not at all'. I was always
hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get
my fill of it - to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just
once. But they never gave that to me. Never, not once. If I tried to
cuddle up and beg for something, they'd just shove me away and yell
at me. "No! That costs too much!' It's all I ever heard. So I made up
my mind I was going to find someone who would love me uncon-
ditionally 365 days a year. I was still in primary school at the time, but
I made up my mind once and for all."
"Wow," I said. "And did your search pay off?"
"That's the hard part," said Midori. She watched the rising smoke for a
while, thinking. "I guess I've been waiting so long I'm looking for
perfection. That makes it tough."
"Waiting for the perfect love?"
"No, even I know better than that. I'm looking for selfishness. Perfect
selfishness. Like, say I tell you I want to eat strawberry shortbread.
And you stop everything you're doing and run out and buy it for me.
And you come back out of breath and get down on your knees and
hold this strawberry shortbread out to me. And I say I don't want it
any more and throw it out of the window. That's what I'm looking
"I'm not sure that has anything to do with love," I said with some
"It does," she said. "You just don't know it. There are times in a girl's
life when things like that are incredibly important."
"Things like throwing strawberry shortbread out of the window?"
"Exactly. And when I do it, I want the man to apologize to me. "Now I
see, Midori. What a fool I've been! I should have known that you
would lose your desire for strawberry shortbread. I have all the
intelligence and sensitivity of a piece of donkey shit. To make it up to
you, I'll go out and buy you something else. What would you like?
Chocolate mousse? Cheesecake?"'
"So then what?"
"So then I'd give him all the love he deserves for what he's done."
"Sounds crazy to me."
"Well, to me, that's what love is. Not that anyone can understand me,
though." Midori gave her head a little shake against my shoulder. "For
a certain kind of person, love begins from something tiny or silly.
From something like that or it doesn't begin at all."


tell me, what is love?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I read it the first time about 4 years ago. It was not mine though. Did not think i should have owned one. Fear of pains.


First love, they said so.


3 years later, I found it back in kino. Decided to own it. Pain?-feel like it.


waited for 3 years
you are here with me

in tears...

never, never again...

the days were old.

- ( written in july 2007)


Read it again last night.


It was the first graphic novel i read but the best one ever since.


What we have come to believe in more than just a religion.

{me}- manifesto

I love many things in my life

the sunbeams every morning
the long journey on the bus
the traffic lights changing colors
the high view from a building
the rain that brushes my skin
the smell of newly-cooked food
the slowness of jazz
the smiles of the couples
the baby cries out loud

Is life really complicated or does it just seem to be so?

Life is full of emotions.
Feel it.
Embrace it

Design is a emotional process.
Enjoy it.


typography poster done in july 2007.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

we all need someone to kiss us goodbye

Dear B,

Just for your information, I will walk to the moon and be back if it makes you smile. I will talk to you just so I can hear your voice again.

The other day, I heard that it was supposed to be the end of the world this year(!) This made me think to myself that I don't want to die without you next to me, but the worst thing is, what if we both survived but we were still so far apart and didn't know if the other was alive?

I guess I'd better walk to the moon fast.

Wave and smile,
Wave and smile,


This has just made me cry, again.

round about

khi mà không biết một nơi nào để đi

và không đủ can đảm để tìm một nơi mới một mình

tôi đi dọc lại con đường cũ quanh nhà

và nó nhạt đến bình an.


when confusing of where to go

and not brave enough to find somewhere new alone

i walked along the old road round about home

and it was insipid peacefully.